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Gone With The Wind
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For the present they were quite satisfied to be in accord again about one girl, for they had no jealousies between them. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
They would cross that bridge when they came to it. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Just what the loser would do, should Scarlett accept either one of them, the twins did not ask. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Now they were both in love with her, and India Wilkes and Letty Munroe, from Lovejoy, whom Brent had been half-heartedly courting, were far in the back of their minds. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
Not content with Stuart alone, she had set her cap for Brent as well, and with a thoroughness that overwhelmed the two of them. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
She was constitutionally unable to endure any man being in love with any woman not herself, and the sight of India Wilkes and Stuart at the speaking had been too much for her predatory nature. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
They never arrived at the correct answer, which was that Scarlett on that day had decided to make them notice. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
Thereafter, when they talked it over, they always wondered just why they had failed to notice Scarlett's charms before. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
It was a memorable day in the life of the twins. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Their clever remarks sent her into merry peals of laughter and, inspired by the thought that she considered them a remarkable pair, they fairly outdid themselves. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
They noticed for the first time how her green eyes danced, how deep her dimples were when she laughed, how tiny her hands and feet and what a small waist she had. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
But now to their amazement she had become a grown-up young lady and quite the most charming one in all the world. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
They had known her for years, and, since their childhood, she had been a favorite playmate, for she could ride horses and climb trees almost as well as they. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Then, last summer at a political speaking in a grove of oak trees at Jonesboro, they both suddenly became aware of Scarlett O'Hara. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
That was the first time the twins' interest had ever diverged, and Brent was resentful of his brother's attentions to a girl who seemed to him not at all remarkable. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Brent liked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame, and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
And Stuart might have made the match, but Brent had not been satisfied. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
They fervently hoped so, at any rate. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
The County felt that perhaps the cool and contained India Wilkes would have a quieting effect on him. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Until the previous summer, Stuart had courted India Wilkes with the approbation of both families and the entire County. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
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