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Gone With The Wind
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Why, you liar, I saw you with my own eyes sidle round the corner of the porch and squat in the cape jessamine bush by the wall. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Spying, my God! You darkies know everything that goes on. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
You heard what we were talking to Miss Scarlett about? New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Brent turned in the saddle and called to the negro groom. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
And besides Scarlett don't set any more store by book learning than we do. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
She laughed like everything when we told her about it. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
Hell, no! Don't be a fool. New Bruce 12 小时前 02 Bruce 12 小时前
You don't suppose it's because we got expelled? New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
I could swear she was glad to see us when we came and was aiming to ask us to supper. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
But it was something we did or said that made her shut up talking and look sort of sick. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
She don't go around being cold and hateful when she's mad��she tells you about it. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Yes, that's what I like about her. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
She don't hold herself in like some girls do. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Besides, when Scarlett gets mad, everybody knows it. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
I can't think of anything. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
They both thought for a minute. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
Do you suppose we said something that made her mad? New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
I dunno. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
What do you suppose ailed her? New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
I noticed that but I didn't pay it any mind then. New Bruce 12 小时前 01 Bruce 12 小时前
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