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Gone With The Wind
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Stuart bellowed: Jeems! And after an interval a tall black boy of their own age ran breathlessly around the house and out toward the tethered horses. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
The sun was low across the new-plowed fields and the tall woods across the river were looming blackly in silhouette. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Sensing something they could not understand, baffled and annoyed by it, the twins struggled along for a while, and then rose reluctantly, looking at their watches. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Scarlett seemed to be paying little attention to what they said, although she made the correct answers. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Just how, the twins did not know, but the fine glow had gone out of the afternoon. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
The atmosphere had somehow changed. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Some time had passed before they realized that Scarlett was having very little to say. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Filled with new enthusiasm by their success, they lingered on, talking about the barbecue and the ball and Ashley Wilkes and Melanie Hamilton, interrupting each other, making jokes and laughing at them, hinting broadly for invitations to supper. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
This was worth getting expelled from the university. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
And here she had practically promised them the whole of tomorrow��seats by her at the barbecue, all the waltzes (and they'd see to it that the dances were all waltzes!) and the supper intermission. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Usually she made them beg and plead, while she put them off, refusing to give a Yes or No answer, laughing if they sulked, growing cool if they became angry. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Stuart repeated his request. New Bruce 11 小时前 12 Bruce 11 小时前
Although they considered themselves Scarlett's favored suitors, they had never before gained tokens of this favor so easily. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
The twins looked at each other jubilantly but with some surprise. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Look, Scarlett.Sit with us at the barbecue in the morning. New Bruce 11 小时前 02 Bruce 11 小时前
Let 'em be mad, said Brent.We two can handle 'em. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
You're sweet! I'll bet the other boys will be hopping mad. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Of course I will, Scarlett said automatically. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Now, Scarlett, we've told you the secret, so you've got to promise to eat supper with us. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
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