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Gone With The Wind
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So it's to be announced tomorrow night at the supper intermission. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Miss Pitty told us they hadn't intended announcing it till next year, because Miss Melly hasn't been very well; but with all the war talk going around, everybody in both families thought it would be better to get married soon. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
So still was her face as she stared at Stuart that he, never analytic, took it for granted that she was merely surprised and very interested. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Scarlett's face did not change but her lips went white��like a person who has received a stunning blow without warning and who, in the first moments of shock, does not realize what has happened. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
It's Ashley's to Charlie's sister, Miss Melanie! New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Besides, it isn't his engagement that's going to be announced, said Stuart triumphantly. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
I think he's an awful sissy. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
I couldn't help him buzzing, Scarlett shrugged negligently. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Do you think he's silly? questioned Brent.Last Christmas you sure let him buzz round you plenty. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Everybody's known for years that they'd get married some time, even if he did seem kind of lukewarm about it. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
That silly nephew of hers, Charlie Hamilton, and Honey Wilkes. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
I know about that, said Scarlett in disappointment. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Well, when we were in Atlanta yesterday, waiting for the home train, her carriage went by the depot and she stopped and talked to us, and she told us there was going to be an engagement announced tomorrow night at the Wilkes ball. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
I do, and a sillier old lady I never met in all my life. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
You know, Ashley Wilkes' cousin who lives in Atlanta, Miss Pittypat Hamilton��Charles and Melanie Hamilton's aunt. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
If it is, you know we promised not to tell. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Is it what we heard yesterday in Atlanta, Stu? New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
What? cried Scarlett, alert as a child at the word. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
If you'll promise, we'll tell you a secret, said Stuart. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
Now, come on, promise us all the waltzes and the supper. New Bruce 11 小时前 01 Bruce 11 小时前
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