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Gone With The Wind
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Chapter-2 Why did he not tell her so? New Bruce 7 小时前 01 Bruce 7 小时前
Chapter-2 She KNEW he loved her. New Bruce 7 小时前 01 Bruce 7 小时前
Chapter-2 Too often she had surprised him when his eyes were neither drowsy nor remote, when he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness which puzzled her. New Bruce 7 小时前 01 Bruce 7 小时前
Chapter-2 Instinct stronger than reason and knowledge born of experience told her that he loved her. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 She could not be mistaken about it. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 And yet��and yet��she knew he loved her. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 True, he never made love to her, nor did the clear gray eyes ever glow with that hot light Scarlett knew so well in other men. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 For two years he had squired her about the County, to balls, fish fries, picnics and court days, never so often as the Tarleton twins or Cade Calvert, never so importunate as the younger Fontaine boys, but, still, never the week went by that Ash New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 She had wanted him, in that first instant, wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat, horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 And his voice! She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it, as if for the first time, drawling, resonant, musical. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 And, coming lightly up the steps, he had kissed her hand. New Bruce 8 小时前 03 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 And he said, So you've grown up, Scarlett. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 He had alighted and tossed his bridle reins to a pickaninny and stood looking up at her, his drowsy gray eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright on his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver. New Bruce 8 小时前 02 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Even now, she could recall each detail of his dress, how brightly his boots shone, the head of a Medusa in cameo on his cravat pin, the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his hand when he saw her. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 She had been on the front porch and he had ridden up the long avenue, dressed in gray broadcloth with a wide black cravat setting off his frilled shirt to perfection. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 It was as simple as that. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 But since that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years' Grand Tour in Europe, had called to pay his respects, she had loved him. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 In childhood days, she had seen him come and go and never given him a thought. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 It seemed strange now that when she was growing up Ashley had never seemed so very attractive to her. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Some of the cold sense of bewilderment and disaster that had weighted her down since the Tarleton boys told her their gossip was pushed into the background of her mind, and in its place crept the fever that had possessed her for two years. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
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