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Gone With The Wind
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Chapter-2 That afternoon, Gerald, his resistance worn thin, had set out to make an offer for Dilcey. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Dilcey was head woman and midwife at Twelve Oaks, and, since the marriage six months ago, Pork had deviled his master night and day to buy Dilcey, so the two could live on the same plantation. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Her father had ridden over to Twelve Oaks, the Wilkes plantation, that afternoon to offer to buy Dilcey, the broad wife of his valet, Pork. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 As she stood, hesitant, wondering where she could hide until the ache in her breast subsided a little, a thought came to her, bringing a small ray of hope. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 When Mammy returned she would resume her lecture on Scarlett's breach of hospitality, and Scarlett felt that she could not endure prating about such a trivial matter when her heart was breaking. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Scarlett heard the stairs groan and she got softly to her feet. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Mammy waddled back into the hall and Scarlett heard her call softly up the stairwell to the upstairs maid. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 You fetch me my shawl. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Well, I'm not, said Scarlett impatiently. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Please, Mammy, and I'll sit here till Pa comes home. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 You run get my shawl. New Bruce 8 小时前 02 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 It's so pretty. New Bruce 8 小时前 02 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 No, I want to sit here and watch the sunset. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Scarlett turned away from Mammy with studied nonchalance, thankful that her face had been unnoticed in Mammy's preoccupation with the matter of the shawl. New Bruce 8 小时前 02 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Oh, I was so tired of hearing them talk about the war that I couldn't have endured it through supper, especially with Pa joining in and shouting about Mr.Lincoln. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 And, as her love for Scarlett and her pride in her were enormous, the chastening process was practically continuous. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Whom Mammy loved, she chastened. New Bruce 8 小时前 02 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 She had been Ellen's mammy and had come with her from Savannah to the up-country when she married. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 She had been raised in the bedroom of Solange Robillard, Ellen O'Hara's mother, a dainty, cold, high-nosed French-woman, who spared neither her children nor her servants their just punishment for any infringement of decorum. New Bruce 8 小时前 03 Bruce 8 小时前
Chapter-2 Mammy was black, but her code of conduct and her sense of pride were as high as or higher than those of her owners. New Bruce 8 小时前 01 Bruce 8 小时前
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