
2409 disgruntled

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发布时间: 2024-9-8 15:19



Bruce 发表于 昨天 20:58
青岛市-城阳区 青岛通力包装制品有限公司 外贸业务员

Disgruntled means: unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something,
so you will get into an easy understanding of this picture, How  Messi react with these two gentlemen
Bruce 发表于 昨天 20:56
青岛市-城阳区 青岛通力包装制品有限公司 外贸业务员

Ych181818 发表于 2024-9-19 16:18
what does this picture want to express?angry? surprise?anxiety?
I can not get it

haha, this is the way how we can be more impressive with something we do not know. Anyway, I am so impressive with this word
Ych181818 发表于 昨天 16:18

what does this picture want to express?angry? surprise?anxiety?
I can not get it
happybruce2014 发表于 前天 22:23

Frankly speaking,I didn't get a good understanding of this word disgruntled, however it impresses with my mind and I will get further into this world.