Parts of a Tree featured

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发布时间: 2024-6-12 17:14



Ych181818 发表于 2024-6-13 15:21:01

本帖最后由 Ych181818 于 2024-6-13 15:22 编辑

                                              Talk about an apple tree
                Look at the picture, a tree grows underground, Its roots’ function as a responsible for absorbing moisture from the soil. vegetative organs
Then look at the trunk,function of the trunk,has the formidable support force ,transport the water absorbed by the root.
Now we can see the fruit on the tree  , the main role of the fruit is to be eaten , we can see the most leaves on the tree, the main function of the leaves respiration,photosynthesis, and transformation of nutrients
The role of the branch,is advantageous to the flower bud formation. A fruiting branches of a fruit tree support function,ecological effect ,beautiful the environment
Crown ,above the trunk is the crown

Ych181818 发表于 2024-6-13 09:16:53

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