
2406 When my work bestie and I are trying to have a well needed catch up

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发布时间: 2024-6-18 08:15



yyyyyy 发表于 2024-6-21 13:52:35

Bruce 发表于 2024-6-18 09:47:34
青岛市-城阳区 青岛通力包装制品有限公司 外贸业务员

I get to say, both of them have long funny noses.
Ych181818 发表于 2024-6-18 09:44:01

one day ,I met my work bestie at a small coffee  store ,he looks very anxiety on his face,so I
decided to have a well needed catch up with him,he sat across from me ,I can see the worry
on his face ,he wears a yellow shirt and stared outside window,I orderd two cup of coffee/tea,he not pay a tention to the cup just put up the bottom plate of the coffee cup and there is a small
red beautiful floweron the tidy table ,it has six petals,just sit a while ,when I going  say sth to him,suddenly,a customer interrupts us