This is a phototaken against the light, whereas the lighted building is set in glory.
The darkenbuilding can only show the black frame. There was different persons on theseparate floors, with one walking into the building, and another one standsnear the guardrail.
We are not able tosee the glasses of the windows, just the dark frame.
That man islooking down, and seems to read a book. However, there is not light on, Iwonder how he is able to see the texts.
We can see theconcrete between the floors.
This picturereminds me of the memorable time spent in the college library.
At that time, onecan spend most of his time doing what he wants, and now, we are all in thesociety, we have to work in the day time, and spare the night time to improveour English.
Anyway, I amactually doing this thing in most of my spare time, reading books like Gonewith the wind, and do the exercises to extend the English, and I really feel anapparent improvement after daily work.